These amazing  Waltersons mini submarines can be enjoyed by all ages (adult supervision recommended for under 14’s). The easy to use full-function 3 channel 27MHz radio control system enables you to glide silently through your fish tank. This miniature marvel is capable of performing dizzying 360º rotations as well as forward and reverse plus dive and surface functions.
It's one thing to look like a submarine - but another to function like one. Fortunately this does! Capable of diving to fish-frightening depths of 0.6 metres at the push of a button and resurfacing is just as easy. Supplied complete withb1 S 180 mAh Li-Po that charges from the transmitter in around 20 minutes.

Most submarines have an inner and outer hull. In between these two hulls is what is called the ballast tank. When the submarine is on the surface, it means the water inside the ballast tank has been emptied.  By emptying the ballast tank of water it allows air to replace it, which reduces the overall density of the submarine. This makes the submarine more buoyant and able to surface.

When you wish to dive then you replace the air with water, this increases the overall density of the submarine, and thus the submarine will sink.

Waltersons patented ballast tank design allows you to control this micro submarine exactly as you would a real one.  To suspend the submarine at a specific depth, the user can control the mixture between water and air, by pressing the “Dive” and “Surface” buttons located on the transmitter shoulder.



Waltersons German Emden U16 Submarine.

Waltersons German U-Boat Mini RC Submarine